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Like this course, but can't afford it? Try our Bingo course for free . This process has generated us thousands of dollars in revenue very quickly. Slot machine apps are a great source of revenue, and this course will show you exactly what you need to do to reskin a specific source code in Xcode so that you can create your own Slot Machine app for iPhone, iPad, or iPod Touch very quickly and inexpensively to start making money almost immediately. You will see every single edit necessary to launch an app, and in less than 2 hours . This includes the very first steps you take after you get your hands on a source code (learning how to test the app) to editing the app in Xcode, and all the way to submitting the app to the App Store for review. The tutorial uses a REAL source code example and completes every single step necessary to reskin the app from start to finish, and is structured in that way. While this uses a specific code (that you can purchase), the course is still very useful for reskinning any app. It will give you the knowledge necessary to understand documents that come with source codes that you can purchase at very low prices. This is perfect for any beginner that is interested in entering the world of app development, but does not want to spend a ton of money or time creating an app from scratch and hiring developers. Instead, you can focus on monetization through in-app purchases and ad networks, which, by the way, is part of this course. You can literally reskin one source code 100 times using this tutorial to generate large profits incredibly quickly.
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    The purpose of this course is to provide iOS developers with a practical way to “think different”, and open another door so they can see the whole picture.This course offers a free conprehensive book and serves as a digest and guide of it. The course consists of 4 parts, i.e. concepts, tools, theories and practices. The course follows an "abstraction, concrete, abstraction, concrete" structure, starting from basic concepts like iOS filesystem hierarchy and iOS file types that Apple didn't expose to App developers but iOS researchers should know, then goes through the most commonly used tools like class-dump, Theos, Cycript, Reveal, IDA and LLDB to introduce what to do in iOS reverse engineering. After that, iOS reverse engineering theories based on Objective-C and ARM assembly are explained in a methodological way, pointing out the core of the book. Last but not least, several originally elaborated practices are there to cover all previous contents of the course and give you the most intuitive perception of iOS reverse engineering.
      Everyone wants to build an iPhone app these days. Who can blame them, with how fast the mobile app economy is growing these days! However for every successful app there is out there, there are hundreds of other apps that get no downloads at all. I don't want you to become another statistic! What if there was a way to see if your idea was a good one first, BEFORE spending money on development? That's what this course is about! Do you have an idea for the next great iPhone app? If you don't, take this course! If you do, then take this course to find out all the research you should do to make sure your idea is a good one first, before finding out the hard way! Over 4000 students have already taken this course. Join them and start researching your next great app idea today!
        One of the downsides (or upsides, depending on your outlook) to Apple and iOS is that it doesn’t play nice with the rest of the programming world. It takes some special knowledge and training to become and Apple developer. If you already have some programming experience, this isn’t a problem. Start with this course and you’ll get a head start on the road to your dream career. Create native iPhone and iPad Apps using Xcode and Swift Master the most popular iOS features Write apps that use GPS, social networking, remote data and in-app purchases Take your existing programming skills to the next level Get up to speed on iOS 9 updates and changes Get on the right path to a career in app development Take the First Steps to Becoming an Apple Developer If you already have some programming experience and want to take your skills up a notch, or if you want to learn specifically about creating apps for Apple, or even if you just want to get an update on programming for iOS 9, this is the perfect course for you. With 58 lectures and 5.5 hours of content, you can delve right into the world of Swift, Xcode and iOS 9, and come back up for air as a bona fide expert. This course covers all of the most important and most popular features of iOS 9, including interfacing with remote data services, accessing media and the media library, using GPS to track location, social networking, data access with cloud-kit and in-app purchasing. You’ll cover all of the above and dig right down into the nitty gritty straight away. By the end of this course, you’ll know how to create native iPhone and iPad apps using Xcode and Swift and can proudly call yourself an intermediate iOS 9 programmer. You’ll know how to implement all of the above features using iOS frameworks, using source code which is provided. At each step you’ll review and analyse the behaviour to help compound your knowledge. Tools Used Xcode: Xcode is an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) that contains all the software you need to create beautiful, fast, and easy to use applications for Apple devices like iPhones and iPads. You can experiment with new APIs, add additional source code, and even make use of the interface testing feature, which records your app in action. Swift: Swift is a multi-paradigm programming language created for Apple. Deemed by its creators to be a ‘modern programming language that is safe, fast, and interactive’, it is designed to work with the Cocoa and Cocoa Touch frameworks for iOS, OS X, watchOS and tvOS applications. It was introduce by Apple in 2014 and is currently in its second version.
          PLEASE NOTE: This is the 2017 version of the course. It is for students who cannot update to iOS 13 or macOS Catalina. For the latest version of this course, please search for "Angela Yu iOS 13". Welcome to the Complete iOS App Development Bootcamp . With over 17,000 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ ratings, this is the HIGHEST RATED iOS Course of all time! This Swift 4 course is based on our in-person app development bootcamp in London. We've perfected the curriculum over 3 years of in-person teaching. Our complete app development bootcamp teaches you how to code using Swift 4 and build beautiful iOS 11 apps for iPhone and iPad. Even if you have ZERO programming experience. We'll take you step-by-step through engaging video tutorials and teach you everything you need to know to succeed as an iOS app developer. The course includes over hours and hours of HD video tutorials and builds your programming knowledge through making real world apps. e.g. Pokemon Go, Whatsapp, QuizUp and Yahoo Weather. It's updated to include over 5 hours of content on Apple's brand new ARKit for making Augmented Reality apps and CoreML for making intelligent apps with Machine Learning . You'll be building image recognition apps and incredible 3D animated AR apps. By the end of this course, you will be fluently programming in Swift 4 and be ready to make your own apps or start a freelancing job as an iOS 11 developer. You'll also have a portfolio of over 20 apps that you can show off to any potential employer. Sign up today, and look forward to: Over 50 hours of HD 1080p video content Building over 20 fully-fledged including ones that use Firebase, machine learning and augmented reality All the knowledge you need to start building any app you want Thousands of dollars worth of design assets Our best selling 12 Rules to Learn to Code eBook $8000+ app development bootcamp course materials and curriculum From beginner to iOS 11 app developer with just one course We know that you're here because you value your time. If you wanted to watch someone program for hours and hours without explaining what they're doing, you'd be on YouTube. By getting this course, you can be rest assured that the course is carefully thought out and edited. There are beautiful animations that explain all the difficult concepts and we're always on hand to answer student questions. So by the end of the course, you'll completely understand: Concepts of Object Oriented Programming (OOP): The type system, variables, functions and methods, inheritance, classes and protocols. Control Structures: Using If/­Else clauses, Switch statements and logic to control the flow of execution. Data Structures: How to work with collections, such as arrays and dictionaries. Software Design: How to organise and format code for readability and how to implement the Model ­View­ Controller (MVC) design pattern. Networking: How to make asynchronous API calls, store and retrieve data from the cloud, and use the JSON format for server communication. Machine Learning: How to make artificially intelligent apps using iOS 11's new CoreML framework. Augmented Reality: How to create 3D objects in augmented reality and create incredible animations and real-life interactions using Apple's latest ARKit framework. Core Data, Realm and other forms of persistent data storage. Don’t waste your time Don't waste another minute of your precious life on poor quality videos on YouTube. Or instructors who you can't understand. Or teachers who have no real world in-person teaching experience. Your time is precious. We offer the best instructors with carefully crafted content, beautiful animations and learning by doing. Don't just take my word for it, see what my past students had to say about the course: "You will not find a better teacher than Angela. She does a wonderful job of encouraging you to learn swift the right way. I want to encourage everyone thinking about taking this class to get it, as it is the BEST Swift programming class I've seen on anywhere and I've tried more than a few of them. If you are looking for an excellent swift programming course, stop there here because you have found it. You will learn Swift from the very beginning of programming all the way through making your own apps that you can upload to the App store." - Ian Hopjins "SO GOOD!!! Retention rate is incredible because Angela does a great job in explaining and teaching every aspect of what we are doing. Most of the other instructors on Udemy put code on the screen and pretend nothing happened. This course is amazing! 5/5" - Muhammad Ibrahim "Angela is a spectacular teacher!" - Marco Zanirato "This course was terrific. Only after taking a few more courses from others that I realized how good this course was. This course taught me more than I was expecting, it provided great instructions and a lot of hands-on tasks to drill-in the concept." - Marc "Best use of your money! I was a complete beginner but Angela made me a pro in weeks." - Burak Tunçbilek "IT IS #1!!!!!!!!! Absolutely Amazing. The best iOS course i have ever taken. Angela explains everything the way it needs to be explained, so everything is easily understood. The concept of this course is built to make you learn, not just watch and repeat. Angela is highly educated and it is very much noticeable during the entire course. Again, it is fantastic. Thank you. Please create more courses!!!!!" - Eduard Khachian Are you trying to choose between all the different iOS courses on Udemy? Take a look at what students on my course had to say: "I took a lot of courses on Udemy and elsewhere and non of them were as clear and perfectly paced as this one! Angelas approach is really awesome, deep and clear." - Žan Fras "I have taken several iOS courses, so far this course had the best explanation on swift and xcode documentation. The lecturer is kinda humorous sometimes which make this course even more enjoyable." - Bryan Pukanda "I have taken lots of courses on udemy and elsewhere for self learning and i can tell you with all the honesty this is one course which i did not wanted to end. It is like one of those movies that you wish keeps going. Whatever concepts are covered were covered very beautifully and made learning quite simple. I got so many answers to Why? in this course like how closures work and why they work that way... why delegates work that way. Thank you so much for this course." - Arun Lakhera "I compare this to another top iOS class on Udemy, but I think that this one beats it. The reason? Angela doesn't show you a plethora of material and then say that we will discuss this later, or say "just do this. You will see why later." She goes into the reason for doing something before doing it."  - Clyde Addison Do you have some experience developing iOS apps and wonder if this course is for you? Take a look at what students on my course had to say: "This is the best-organized course for starting Swift that I've seen. The course is excellent for teaching Swift programming including vital information using Xcode, Github, Cocoapods, Stack Overflow, Alamofire, Firebase, REST APIs and all the services commonly used by app developers. They show all the ways of using Xcode and other services that took me months to learn willy nilly. Wish I had this course a year ago but even with a year of Swift experience I still found a lot of great information and helpful tips. Love all the extras the course provides especially the assets(graphics, sound files, etc) for practice projects as I'm always taking too much time to find some assets to play with. This course understands how to teach programmers by giving them the toolsets and abilities they need to build apps. The course teaches the foundation of the language as well as skills to build your knowledge and improve your troubleshooting skills. Angela is a wonderful speaker and should do the voiceovers on everyone's instructional videos, seriously. :)" - Marcy Vernon "Before I took this course , I was struggling with android development as well as Xcode I found out that I really didn't understand inputs, output, and return statements. thank you Angela for making things clear." - Darrick Little "Def. an amazing and awesome class for learning iOS programming. I've been coding for years and taken many programming related classes on Udemy and this is def. one of the best. The instructor walks you through all the in's and out's of developing apps for the iOS platform. Top Shelf A++ class." - Mirko Cukich REMEMBER… I'm so confident that you'll love this course that we're offering a FULL money back guarantee for 30 days! So it's a complete no-brainer, sign up today with ZERO risk and EVERYTHING to gain. So what are you waiting for? Click the buy now button and join the world's most highly rated iOS 11 app development course.
            The How To Developer iOS Apps course teaches you all the essential knowledge to be able to create and release your own iOS apps. Start at the very beginning by downloading and getting familiar with all of the essential tools needed to begin developing iOS apps. Then transition into learning the Objective-C programming language, one of two standard languages used to develop iOS apps. Learning a programming language is not hard with this course: whether Objective-C is your first language or not, this course makes sure even beginners can learn it. Next, get down to the very core of the iOS Software Development Kit (SDK) and really learn and create upon what drives apps. Finally, learn all of the necessary steps to release and submit your app to Apple's App Store and have it be downloaded by everyone globally. The course contains 69 HD video lectures and 10.5 hours of content. Included in each applicable lesson is the copy of the exact source code worked on in the lecture so you can follow along. On average each lecture is about 9 minutes per lecture, making the course easy to finish increments. Spend simply an hour to two hours a day to become an iOS developer in only a week. The course is constructed in a logical and chronological order. It starts with introducing and teaching the basics and tools needed to develop apps, then moving onto applying this knowledge to make iOS apps. Finally, after you have learned to make your app, learn how to submit it to the app store. Literally go from learning to program, to learning the iOS SDK, to finally releasing it globally to the world. If you want to become an iOS developer, one of the most in demand software areas today, the How To Develop iOS Apps Course is exactly what you are looking for. Take the course today, and begin on your path as an iOS developer.
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              Welcome to the world's most comprehensive course on iOS development. This course is designed like an in-person coding bootcamp to give you the most amount of content and help with the least amount of cost. NO PRIOR CODING EXPERIENCE REQUIRED Here are some of the things you'll be able to do after taking this course: Submit apps to the app store Understand programming & basic algorithms Work fluently with Swift 4 & iOS 11 Apply to jr iOS development jobs Work as an iOS contractor Who this course is for: People who want to build apps! Those who want to create their own startup Those looking to get a full time job as a developer Business owners Students & teenagers People who want to make money building apps If you are absolutely new to programming you should start at the beginning of the course and go to the end. I've designed this course to take you down a guided learning path. Lectures are not broken out by specific topics. You build apps and then learn a ton of principles within those apps. So don't skip around! If you already know Swift then you can skip the Swift section since the changes between Swift 3 and Swift 4 are minor. If you've never programmed before, make sure you DO take the Swift lessons. We'll teach you core foundational principles so you can build complex apps. If you are a student of iOS 10: From Beginner to Paid Professional then feel free to start taking this iOS 11 course. Keep in mind that this iOS 11 course has a bunch of new apps. So there is a HUGE benefit to ALSO go through the iOS 10 course - or you'll miss out on awesome content. Don't forget to join the free live community where you can get free help anytime from other students. Here are a few things you'll learn: Swift 4 Xcode 9 Interface Builder Firebase Build a Slack Clone Maps & GPS Core Data ARKit & Augmented Reality CoreML & Machine Learning Tables & Data APIs, HTTP, and Networking App Design Storyboards & Segues And a lot more...
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                Do you have that idea for a great app that will make you millions? Perhaps you would like to start a new career or start a new business in App Development. Perhaps your App design and creative skills are more advanced than your coding skills. This course is the answer - because it will teach you the fundamentals of the Swift Programming language in a really fun and interactive way. Master the fundamentals of Swift - Confidently write commands, functions, loops, if statements, and algorithms. No previous knowledge is required. Move "Byte" around his 3D world. A really fun and exciting way of learning Swift. Learn how to write commands, functions, loops, if's, and algorithms Develop your problem solving skills Look for patterns and break down your code Achieve something - run your own code and watch Byte collect his treasure! Join on the geek bandwagon. Learn Swift. Become one. Rule the world! In the last ten years Apple has paid out tens of billions of dollars to App Developers. Would you like to get your hands on a few of these? To help, Apple created their own programming language called Swift. Over time this language has change, adapted and improved. Therefore this course will make sure you are keeping at the absolutely forefront in this exciting new world. It will give you the skills you need to develop apps and it will keep you ahead of the competition. Content and Overview Why Choose This Course? I'm Michael Harrison (affectionally know as The Appy Teacher to many) and I have taught 1000's of students already how to build apps and other Apple related things. Learning a new language can be a really challenging endeavour and learning a computer language can be even harder. Trying to make sense of what seems like thousands of videos on Youtube, none of which look quite like what you are looking at, or reading hundreds of pages in numerous books can seem more like you are a Literature student rather than somebody wanting to build apps. But this course is UNIQUE . It uses Apples very own Swift Playgrounds App which teaches lots of Swift fundamentals in a really exciting, fun and interactive way. You are involved and writing code write from the start and will just keep improving all along the way. By the time you have finished this course you will be amazed just how much you have learnt and how far you have come. And you will not get bored along the way. You also have the added benefit of joining my Facebook community - a place to receive help, give help, and meet like minded people. So come and join the funnest and best course on Udemy for writing code and learning Swift.
                  Are you a beginner developer that’s looking to improve your skills? Do you want to take your iOS development skills to the next level? Do you want to learn some of the new Apple API such as Touch ID and Quick Action? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then this course is for you. Also, if you have taken my beginner course, then this course will take you to the next level. After completing this course, you will be ready to apply for jobs. You will gain a confidence boost in your skills and your ability. In this course you will work on 10 different APIs, including drawing with Core Graphics, Using Touch ID, persisting data with Core Data and much more (see full curriculum below). It is recommended that you have a basic working knowledge of iOS development before enrolling in this course. If you don’t have any knowledge of iOS development, I recommend starting with my Mobile App Development for Beginners course first. After completing this course: 1) You will be ready to for an iOS development job. 2) You will be able to develop medium to complex apps. 3) You will have a better understanding of working with repository and integrating third party libraries into your own app. 4) You will have more confidence in your skills and ability. Here is what you will learn in the course: 3D Touch Quick Action - Learn the two different ways to create home screen shortcut menu when a user 3D Touches on the icon - How to perform different actions based on the menu selected from the quick action - How to add custom icons to shortcut item - How to check the force touch capability of a device CALayer - Learn how to get the layer of a view and how to change some of the properties such as background colour - Learn how to add a border to a layer - Learn how to add a corner radius and a shadow to a layer - Learn how to add content such as an image to the layer - Understand the Mask to bounds property of a layer - Learn how to add gradient to a layer - Learn how to add flip a layer Cocoapods & 3rd Party Libraries - Installing cocoapods - How to initialize pod file for Xcode project - How to integrate third party libraries into our project Core Data - How to add UIAlertController to obtain user inputs - How to set up core data model, entity and properties - How to save value to core data - How to fetch all records from core data - How to display NSManagedObject record - How to edit core data records - How to delete an object from Core Data Core Graphics - How to use Quartz 2D API to draw a 2D line - How to draw paths - How to draw a rectangle - How to fill a path with a color - How to fill a rectangle with color while preserving it’s path color - How to draw a circle/ellipse - How to add shadow to drawings - How to draw an image on a view at a point, or in a rect - How to redraw a view with the SetNeedsDisplay method Gesture Recognizers - How to add tap gesture to a view that does not have a tap gesture - How to add long press gesture to an image view - How to add swipe gestures to a view - How to add pinch gesture recognizer - How to add pan gesture recognizer - How to add gestures directly on the storyboard object. JSON Tutorial - How to read a JSON file using a built-in API - How to display the contents on any JSON in a table Touch ID - Checking a device support for Touch ID - Dealing with an error where user has a Touch ID capable device but has not set a passcode. - How to use Touch ID to protect sensitive information on iOS devices - How to set a fall back password when a Touch ID fails Download from Internet using URLSession - Create URLSession and Download task objects - Delegate methods to track completed and download errors - Set progress view to monitor download progress - How to stop, pause and resume an active download task - Configure app transport security setting in order to work with http links Version Control with Bitbucket and SourceTree App Topics include; - Creating an account with BitBucket - How to connect Xcode to a repository on BitBucket - How to commit and push code from within the Xcode - How to create a new Xcode project from an online repository - How to pull changes from a repository - How to use source tree to commit, push and pull changes - How to checkout another version of a app. This course is going to help you take your app development skills to a whole new level. If you're ready to become a proficient app developer so you can work as a freelance or full-time developer, click the "Buy Now" button and join the course today!
                    Do you want to create your own IOS application for your business or company but not sure where to start? Are you ready to jump right into the exciting world of mobile development but have little or no programming experience? Then this is your course! This complete guide to creating your own business app will teach you everything you need to know to build a full featured application showcasing your business or company, Carefully structured in a step by step guide you will learn to create from the ground up an essential iOS app for needs. Reach millions of new users and customers on the App Store by creating a easy way to view and access the services you provide as a business or company and stream line a simple to of allowing them to contact you directly from the app. Every business needs an app just like every business needs a website, don't get left behind and move with the times and be the first to convert your business or company to the mobile age and reach new customers from around the world. What We Will Cover: Understanding Xcode, Interface Builder, Simulator and Project TypeS Perfectly Themed Landing Page Structured Services with Detail Views Unique Gallery with Social Sharing Options Custom About Us Interactive Map Built-in Email and Phone Contact Options Integrated Social Sites App Store Submission and Update Support